Writing documents is the one thing that always seems the most cumbersome on small devices like your phone. But when you have to right tools for the job it can be a lot easier. Now their are hundreds of apps that can help you with this task but lets start at the basics.
The first thing that I would recommend getting is a better keyboard then the stock one that is provided with your phone. My favorite keyboard is the SwiftKey keyboard. It is amazingly accurate at predicting what you are going to type next and is very handy went typing long form documents.
As for an actual program to type into, I highly recommend using
Google Docs
. When you get your android phone you have to create or sign into your Google account, so you don’t need to sign up for another random service. Then all you have to do is head to the Google Market and download their app. Its a small filesize so it won’t take very long to download it. Once you have downloaded and logged into your account you can start working on your documents. The awesome thing about Google Docs is that it automatically syncs and saves your files to the cloud. So if you start something on your device and want to finish it later you can work on it on your computer and vice versa. Friends of mine love to use Google docs to study for tests. They can type up their study sheet on their computers and then study wherever they are with their phones.
There is also an app called
Documents to Go
. It allows you to work on excel documents, word documents, powerpoint files, etc. Its a decently nice app if you are willing to pay for them. I personally find it quite hard to use it to edit spreadsheets due to the small size of a phone screen, but if you have precision finger tapping skills I’m sure it would be of some use to you. Editing word documents is also a bit difficult, but when I used the app on a tablet it became much simpler and a lot smoother of a process.
I can’t wait until they add they add some cool new features. The feature I would like to see the most is the ability to print from your phone to any computer that is logged into your google docs. But who knows if the app will ever get that complex, but I sure hope so.