
Find Out How Domain Name Servers Work

Domain Name Servers (DNS) are one of the hidden powerhouses behind the Internet. A DNS converts the various website links that you click on or addresses that you type into a web browser into numeric values that tell your web browser where to go. In this article, we’ll explore how a DNS works.


Choosing a domain name

Why Does My Browser Switch to a Different Web Page?

A DNS is effectively a translation service. Every time you enter a web address, click on a link to a website or interact with the Internet to access a website, you are using DNS.

The Internet understands how to find a website through numeric web addresses called ‘Internet Protocol‘ or ‘IP‘ addresses. The main type of IP address system currently used is IPv4. For example, the IP address of Wikimedia, which owns Wikipedia, is: We’re not very good at remembering strings of numbers, so DNS servers do the hard work for us by converting the web address for Wikimedia into the number string and sending our web browser there.

A DNS has a huge database of records, like a phone book, that maps web addresses to IP numbers. When you want to visit a website, your web browser queries a DNS, gets the IP number for the web address and then sends you there, all in under a second. This process is known as ‘Domain Name Resolution‘. Here’s how it works:

In addition to being used to locate websites, domain name servers are also used when you are sending email, accessing files online, using online services and for almost all of the tasks that you carry out every day on the Internet.

Here are some more interesting facts about domain name servers:

In closing

Domain name servers are essential to the smooth running of the Internet, and are completely invisible to almost everyone. They are a great example of an elegant solution: all you need to do is to remember a web address, and your web browser and the DNS will take care of everything else.

this article is written By Paul Maplesden