
SUPERAntiSpyware Download and Guide,How to use SUPERAntiSpyware

How to use SUPERAntiSpyware to remove malware from your computer system.

1,Download SUPERAntiSpyware software (free edition)from SUPERAntiSpyware  official site on your computer’s desktop ( SUPERAntiSpyware.exe (13.8MB), Version: 5.0.1146 ).
2,Close all programs on your computer,double-click SUPERAntiSpyware.exe on your desktop.
3,Do not  change any default settings,when you install SUPERAntiSpyware  to you computer,if you think toolbar will affect your system performance,select”Do not install the optionl toolbar”
4,Click Preferences ,then click on the Scanning Control tab ,we suggest you select ” Close browsers before scanning”
5,Click on the Close button ,go back to SUPERAntiSpyware’s main screen,and click on the
Start Custome Scan.
6,SUPERAntiSpyware will scan your computer now,When the scan is finished,it will  display all the threats that SUPERAntiSpyware has found. 7,Click on the Remove Threats ,SUPERAntiSpyware will remove all the threats.