The Technology – GPS
The name for the technology that is used is GPS (Global Positioning System). This technology can track many things such as mobile phones and cars wherever they are on earth. It uses a satellite to send signals to the object which will then return signals and give data on where it is.
What Was GPS Produced For?
Originally GPS was produced for the Defence Team in the US. The Defence Team were able to use the GPS to search for anything from enemies to bombs. GPS has since become even more popular in locating mobile phones. This is because the signal can travel through cloth, opaque and tangible objects.
Different Types Of Tracking System
Different mobile phones are compatible with different GPS systems. For example a Hybrid GSM tracking system uses both the handset and network tracking system to locate the mobile phone, whereas a GSM tracking system that is network based only uses the network that you are using e.g. T-Mobile. Another option is a GSM tracking system that is handset based. This uses the strength of the phones signal to locate it.
How To Use A Mobile Phone Tracking System
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The whole idea of a mobile phone tracking system is to locate that pesky lost phone. If you are searching for a missing person that still has their phone on their body by using this tracking system you will be able to locate the phone and therefore the person that is missing too. There are also a few other good things about a mobile tracking system such as you can capture videos and photos of a holiday.
Do Businesses Use Mobile Phone Tracking Systems?
Yes. Many businesses now use these tracking systems to keep an eye on where and what their employees are doing. These are especially useful for jobs such as delivery drivers or lorry drivers. Tracking systems are becoming more popular due to them being affordable and effective.
What Can We Look Forward To In The Future?
GPS has a very bright future and it is only going to keep expanding. It is already being used by the emergency services to locate the emergencies quickly and effectively. It is also a very reliable tool as no two mobile signals contain the same data.
Next time you are worrying about a loved one that is going on holiday or on a long journey you need not lose sleep. You can track their every movement to ensure that they are ok, similarly if you are wondering why an employee is so behind on their duties you can keep a track of their actions.