
Giving Parents Peace of Mind Against Kidnappings With the Use of a GPS Tracking System

Giving Parents Peace of Mind Against Kidnappings With the Use of a GPS Tracking System
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children estimates that there are approximately 800,000 cases of kidnapped or abducted children under the age of 18 every year. Even though that may not seem like a lot, it is enough to make any parent worried that his or her own child could be next. Luckily, there is a tool parents can use to help relieve some of that worry – a GPS tracking system.

How Does a Global Positioning System Work?

A GPS, or Global Positioning System, works by using a network of satellites. This network of satellites, which can consist of anywhere from 20 to 40 satellites, is programmed to work with a specialized receiver that is placed on the ground. The receiver is designed to send a signal that can be picked up by the satellites.

When the receiver moves, the network of satellites will pick up the signal and analyze it. Part of the analyzing process includes figuring out the exact location where the signal was sent from and determining if the signal is in motion. If the signal is in motion, the GPS system can track the direction the receiver is moving.

How This Type of System Helps Parents in the Event of a Kidnapping/Abduction

Most parents do not want to have to think about what they would need to do in the event their child was kidnapped, but thinking about it and preparing for it ahead of time can give parents peace of mind. Preparation for this type of unfortunate event starts with discussing how the use of the Global Positioning System can help should a kidnapping or abduction occur.

Parents can give their child a receiver that is connected to the Global Positioning System. In the unfortunate event that a kidnapping or abduction should occur, the parent can log into the GPS tracking system and find the exact location of his or her own child. This information can be passed on to local authorities, who will be able to locate and reunite the child with his or her own parents.
Real-time tracking can instantly be pulled up on a number of electronic devices. Some of the electronic devices that can be equipped to show real-time tracking of a GPS receiver include:

In addition to viewing a real-time tracking system on any of these devices, parents can also subscribe to text alerts that will be sent should the GPS receiver go outside a specific area or move at a certain speed.

How a Tracking System Works with a Young Child or Teen

Parents will need to place a child GPS tracker on their child in order to monitor their location using this type of tracking system. Luckily, many manufacturers design their GPS receivers to be small and portable, which make them easy to carry. In fact, some GPS receivers are as small as a quarter.

Some ways that parents have discreetly incorporated a GPS receiver into their child’s everyday life include:

Child abductions and kidnappings are unfortunate but they do happen. It is best to be prepared for them if they do happen. Parents can have peace of mind knowing that they are prepared for the worst by equipping their child with a GPS receiver.