
How to Choose the Perfect App Company to Develop Your App

In the wild world of app development, choosing the perfect development company can seem like a mountain to summit. Apps are increasingly the way most business differentiate themselves from one another. A well-designed app with an intuitive user interface can help one company leapfrog another’s product or service. So how do you choose the right app development company? This article outlines which criteria to look for, how to select the best quote and how to minimize the risks of choosing the wrong developer to work with.


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Step #1. Three Key Criteria to Look For

There is no single guide to choosing the perfect app development company. There are three key criteria that all good app companies will have. These are:

Cloud-Based Testing Solutions: Successful app development requires a huge emphasis on testing. All apps need rigorous testing to work flawlessly. Cloud testing solutions such as BrowserStack can help any app development company create an app that delivers.

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A Great Project Tracking System: All decent app development companies will have a great project tracking system. The most recent change to come about in the app development world is that the best systems are ‘in the cloud’. Check that the app development company you choose uses a decent online system such as PivotalTracker so that the app is developed punctually.

A Dependable Code Editor: As with project tracking, the best code editors are also online. This helps any app development company keep their employees connected with the services they are using. Cloud9 is a good example of a quality code editor.

Step #2. How to Select the Best Quote

Many app development companies will show evidence of the three criteria mentioned above. So how do you select the best quote? You should investigate how much cloud-based infrastructure the app company’s team is using. Cloud-based solutions are cost effective because the team of developers can track what they are doing, code anywhere and work remotely within their Integrated Development Environment (IDE). A quote from a company using cloud-based solutions will be more cost-effective than one from a firm that does not.

Step #3. How to Minimize the Risks of Making the Wrong Choice

Even after you search for the three criteria mentioned above, you can still regret your decision. To minimize this risk you should check that the company is using a code repository. Distributed code hosts such as Bitbucket give any app development firm a safe place to store code. This can be shared amongst the team members or with you so that you can check the development of your app remotely.