
How to remove a watermark in an image?

A watermark or logo, as it is known, is basically joining a photo or picture of a logo or text that serves the purpose of informing about any restrictive condition or identification of the same. These watermarks are generally transparent and can be a nightmare trying to remove them, even in the case of graphics professionals. Precisely in this article we will share the secret that you should use when you need to remove an image watermark.
While the difficulty or ease to remove a watermark of an image depends on its content, position, color and size, the fact is that with the new automated techniques developed in recent times, it has become a relatively simple task to do. However, in some cases, these tools are not miracle workers, and continue to need the expertise of a graphic designer.
Throughout this article we will see how to remove a watermark from an image with two of the most important tools of the market professionals such as Adobe Photoshop and The Gimp.

Remove a watermark in Photoshop

To perform this task unfortunately we must have the latest version of Photoshop, CS5, as this is the version of the popular image editor that includes a tool called Image Autorrellenado (Content-Aware Fill), allowing us to easily erase any marks water as if we were professionals.
Open your image in Photoshop CS5, and select the “Healing Brush tool” in the toolbar.
Select the Fill option “Depending on the content” of the toolbar at the top.
When finished, release the brush and the mark should be gone.
Note that for larger areas, you have to use the “Lasso”. Select the watermark you want to remove, we make sure to set it to “According to the content,” press the “D” and then click on “Ok”.

Remove a watermark with GIMP

The image editing software free GIMP also provides a method of removing watermarks in a simple, but to use it we will have added to the program using a plug-in.
After installing the GIMP it into this location: C: Program Files GIMP-2.0 lib gimp 2.0 plug-ins and restart the application.
Open the image in GIMP and use the tool “Lasso” to select the watermark. Onsite is always preferable to work with small fragments of it.
Then click on “Filters> Enhance (Enhance)> Heal selection”.
Specify the selection value. The default value of 50 should be sufficient. If that does not yield the expected results, we try other numbers to get what we want.
Once you apply the filter, the watermark should disappear.