
How to surf internet in hotspot?

To surf internet using hotspot, you must be in a hotspot. This is a public place delimited (hotel, train station, airport …) giving access to a wireless network that allows users of mobile devices (PC or PDA) to easily connect to the Internet.

You also need a PC / PDA with WiFi or with a PCMCIA card with the IEEE 802.11b or 802.11g. No software installation is required to connect to a hotspot.

First, turn on your device with WiFi. Go into the Control Panel to launch a network connection for the presence of WiFi transmitters.

Then start your Internet browser, the homepage of the operator of the hotspot is displayed automatically (welcome page).

Free hotspot

There are various free hotspots in cafes, town halls, railway stations, subway … the signal recognition is done automatically when you boot your system Fi. If the system is secure, simply enter identifiers (password login) that you have recovered from those responsible. Users in a coffee can thus be provided with the necessary in order to connect to the time of order or on the addition.

Attention, in some places the connection time is limited to 30 minutes per session. You will then be disconnected after every half hour of surfing. After that, if access is free and unlimited, connection restarts. These limits exist to limit the misuse of surfing some people who spend their day surfing from a public hotspot. If some places are free, it will take to pay a few bucks more in order to browse the web.

Hotspot and paying

Many hotspots are paying off: in airports, some hotels. We must buy a username and password that will connect. The value of the card varies depending on the desired duration of connection.
The price of using hotspot depends upon the place and service provider of that area.