
Three Apps that are Music to Your Ears

Three Apps that are Music to Your EarsThe internet has changed the way we buy, share and listen to music. The availability of digital tracks and online streaming have expended our horizons far wider than traditional FM radio could have ever allowed. After the Napster debacle of the early 2000’s, the music business had to redefine its expectations and clarify the copyright laws regarding how music could be marketed online.

Internet radio has become incredibly popular in North America. Streaming music through a computer or smart phone allows users to pinpoint their musical tastes and select playlists that are suitable for any activity including working out, entertaining, or winding down after a long day at work. Although not all internet radio providers are created equal, the following three apps provide an excellent listening experience:


TuneIn Radio has received rave reviews from music lovers. Using your phone’s location services, TuneIn Radio will provide a list of your local radio stations. This music app also features about 100,000 live radio stations from around the world and over two million podcasts, shows and concerts. The upgraded version of this app, available for $0.99, allows users to pause and rewind live radio. The basic version is available as a free download for IPhone, Android and Blackberry.


Songza is an extremely user friendly streaming service that allows music lovers to create an account or login using Facebook. Although music is classified by genre and artist, the Songza app has gained popularity because of its unique musical concierge service. Users begin by selecting from a menu of activities such as working out, bedtime, making dinner, or driving to work. The app will then suggest a selection of playlists that have been customized for their activity. This is a great app to have available if you are busy entertaining and need to quickly put on some music without sorting through your own song collection. Songza is available for free on iPhone and Android. There is an optional subscription upgrade available for $0.99 per week to eliminate ads.


iTube is a new app that enables users to select videos from YouTube and stream them through their device. By searching through all the available content on YouTube, music videos can be selected and organized into customized playlists. This app shows a history of videos that have been watched and allows users to flag their favorite songs for future viewing. This is one of the only music apps available in Canada that allows users to play specific songs without having to purchase the track online. It is available on iPhone for free and also available on Andoid (called PlayTube).