
What Kind of Cloud Storage Security Does Your Business Have?

Cloud StorageCorporate workers routinely need to share documents with their business associates. They use smartphones to share dozens of image-rich corporate documents each day. For thousands of small businesses, placing these documents in cloud storage is the only efficient way to share like this. Having important business documents on the servers of cloud storage services like DropBox, though, is becoming a matter of concern for businesses. They worry about cloud storage security.

These security concerns are only set to intensify as corporate cloud storage goes mainstream. The providers of cloud storage are taking notice of these new needs. New offerings from popular providers like SugarSync and DropBox now include basic cloud storage security features that businesses are likely to appreciate. Business-oriented cloud storage companies like Box and Oxygen Cloud offer even more capable security. Their basic services tend to be free. The most secure plans, though, cost hundreds and offer large data and user account allowances.

Businesses these days are moving away from mass-market cloud storage companies like DropBox in favor of the specialized business-oriented services. Many government departments refuse to do business with companies that use mainstream cloud storage services. DropBox-like services certainly do earn their reputation for insecurity. There are many incidents reported each year where mainstream cloud storage services see accidental data loss. When a business places client data on the cloud and allows the client access to it, for instance, one careless mistake by the client could delete data in the entire account. It can be difficult to insulate the company’s records from client mistakes.

Business-oriented cloud storage companies like ShareFile by Citrix, on the other hand, offer security from accidental deletions like this. They also offer branded business accounts, too  – thus lending client businesses more credibility. State governments are happy to do business with companies that use secure cloud storage.

Many choices in cloud storage service exist, many of them startups.  Before you pick a cloud storage service, you should consider how long-lived their business is likely to be, among other things. Ease-of-use is very important, too. Some vendors build difficult user interfaces. If your business requires special customized features, you should look for a service that offers this.

As far as cloud storage security is concerned, you must pick a service that offers the following pro-level features.


Every good cloud storage service offers data encryption. When you send data across the Internet to be stored on their servers, the service encrypts the data for security en route. These services also use high quality security systems to keep hackers and other evildoers away from their servers. Businesses keep a lot of corporate data on their corporate laptops, tablets and smartphones. These are prone to theft and to being misplaced. Many secure cloud storage services offer remote data wiping for devices in the event that they are stolen.


With mainstream cloud storage services, it can be difficult to block access to former employees who know the necessary passwords. Secure services, though, offer administrator account management. You get to deny access to specific users. They also allow you to set passwords for specific files and folders.


Secure cloud storage services offer detailed records of every move that each person makes once he logs in. You are notified of every file that is accessed.


Data on the cloud can be subpoenaed by the courts – with no need for the account holder’s permission. If this is difficult for you to accept, data storage companies like Oxygen Cloud take themselves out of the loop. They have no control over your data.

It is probably obvious at this point that business cloud storage companies offer a completely different level of service. If your business needs storage on the cloud, you owe it to yourself to only use services that give you professional quality cloud storage security.