
Using LinkedIn to Grow Your Business

LinkedIn offers numerous features that can help people in the business world achieve their company initiatives. It is a tool that all business owners should be using to grow their chances for success.


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Using LinkedIn affords you access to millions of people who in turn have access to millions more.

Join a Group

Once you are signed up with LinkedIn, you will want to start joining groups as soon as possible.  Spray and pray does not work. Stretching yourself thin is not only a waste of your time, but theirs. Instead, join and participate in groups that are rich with members of your target audience, and those which pertain to your industry. This will afford you networking opportunities.

Stay Involved

Once you’ve become involved in a group, establish yourself as a professional in your field. Participate regularly in group conversations and bring your unique insight to the table. Whatever you do, stay active. No one likes a lurker that takes and never gives back. People appreciate those who give. If you play it right, you will have established a rapport that encourages other members of the group to reach out to you with questions or concerns.

Feedback from the Floor

You can also use groups to obtain important information about your target audience, which can help streamline a marketing campaign. By participating in group discussions, you will get the inside scoop as to how your target audience operates and exactly what they are looking for. This information may help you reshape your target audience and can give you a better understanding of the best direction in which to take your advertising campaign.

Include the Link to Your Homepage in Your Blogs

If you have a business blog–you should if you don’t–include the link to your homepage in the body of each post. This will ensure that you get the exposure that you need. Even if visitors don’t make into the second stage of your conversion funnel the first time around, they may be apt to visit your site again and go a little bit further. Additionally, those who visit your site may be apt to promote your company to others, even if they do not make a purchase.

Connect Your LinkedIn Profile with Other Social Media Pages

Configure posts that appear on LinkedIn to appear on one or more additional social media business profiles that you own. Posts which appear on other profiles can be aimed at your LinkedIn profile, so keep your posts relevant to LinkedIn group discussions of which you are a part. As long as you keep your posts engaging, you will generate perpetual leads on exponential scale.

Ultimately, LinkedIn affords users the gift of networking. Forming lasting, trusting relationships with clients in your industry could be all the sway you need for those big business deals. Start networking today. It could make all the difference tomorrow.