
CPA Methods

CPA (cost-per-action) offers can be a great way to generate large profits in internet marketing. But many beginners are not sure where to start upon being approved by the CPA network. Here are some of the most popular ways to generate leads and earn cash from CPA offers:


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Blog posts: This is the same as any other method for monetizing blogs. You simply direct your readers to a CPA offer that might interest them. The key here is to provide content of real value to the reader and keep them interested. Place the link to the offer near the end, perhaps under a “helpful links” section or with the text, “to learn more about systems for making money online, check out this free offer!” But make sure not to turn every post into a sales page for a CPA offer. This will put off your readers and give them the idea that you’re only trying to push offers and sell them things.

Banner ads: A tried and true method for promoting CPA offers on your blog. Many CPA advertisers provide banner ads that you may use. Once you find a good offer that matches the interests of your visitors, choose a banner that looks professional and blends well with the design of your site. The header, footer, and sidebar of your site could all be good places. Banner ads may also fit well within the text of your posts, but make sure it is unobtrusive. Again, the last thing you want to do is drive traffic away by making your site look “spammy”.

Email marketing: If you have a large list of targeted emails collected by an opt-in form on your website, CPA offers are a great way to monetize that. However, you need some variety to the offers; you cannot send the same one over and over. The only thing this will accomplish is irritating your subscribers and getting your emails tossed into the spam folder. Sign up at multiple CPA networks and constantly look for new offers that may be of use to your subscribers. In addition, space out the offers; do not send one with every single message. How often your subscribers will convert depends on too many factors to list here. But to be on the safe side, do not send an offer in more than 20% of your messages. Remember, you don’t want your messages relegated to the spam folder.

Pay-per-click: While PPC + CPA is not as profitable as it was several years ago, there is still a decent amount of money to be made if you can locate some low competition keywords and an offer to match them. However, this will require you to make a good landing page for the offer, as Google has banned direct linking to affiliate pages and may also remove your ads if they deem your landing page to be a “bridge page” (a site specifically designed to lead visitors to another site).

Content locking: Some CPA networks refer to this as “incentive”. This method uses a content locker, which is a form of pay-per-download. This requires the user to fill out an offer in order to access the download. There is a wide variety of content locking software available that allows a webmaster to plug in a CPA offer with which to “lock” the file. The content locker can contain an e-book, video, or anything else that your visitors would be interested in. For example, if you wrote an e-book on the subject of making money online, you would create a landing page promoting it and then place a content locker link on the page. The last step would be to drive targeted traffic to the site. Touch base with your affiliate manager and make sure that incentive traffic is allowed for a particular offer. Many advertisers choose not to work with incentive traffic due to the tendency of some users to enter fake information in order to obtain the download.

Making money with CPA can seem daunting at first, but it has many advantages and it is often the most profitable enterprise for a large number of internet marketers. A combination of banner ads, email, PPC, content locking, and your own innovative ways to promote offers can bring you a large residual income.