
How to Increase Visitors to Your Youtube Videos

YouTube is the third most popular website in the world and is a great way to attract people to watch your videos. Getting lots of exposure for your content can help you earn money from advertising, promote yourself or your business or simply get satisfaction from sharing your creations. There are several practical ways that you can build up a following on YouTube and in this article we’ll explore what the main ones are.


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There are several ways to increase your YouTube views and earnings, here’s a selection: 

Creating original content

This is the first and most important step you can take – Create awesome videos that other people really want to watch. Whether it’s through humor, emotion, inspiration, research or something else, try and see things from your audience’s perspective. Questions to ask yourself include:

Answering these questions can help you get a better perspective on what YouTube users are after.

Learning how other video creators make great content

One of the best ways to enhance your own videos is to watch what other popular video creators do. Look for the users with the most views on YouTube or explore popular channels or other topics that you enjoy. Look at how those video creators put their content together and see if you can learn anything from them. Try to break down the way that they create content.

Experimenting with different techniques and approaches

Keeping an open mind and approach to the way that you create videos is an important part of expanding your repertoire and enhancing your reputation. Try different techniques with your videos, whether that’s writing, editing, content creation, directing or in some other way. Make notes of what works well, and what doesn’t. Then, you can refine your approach until you find the methods that get the most views for you.

Connecting with others

YouTube is a community. When you engage with other creators and members, constructively comment and subscribe to channels, this will help to increase your visibility and exposure. If you like someone else’s work, approach or comments, follow them and share with them and they might return the favor.

Joining communities and forums

Whatever type of videos you enjoy creating, there are almost certainly communities of people that are interested in your subject matter. Find out where these communities are, interact with them and add value to the community. This can be a good way to encourage people to view your videos, but be careful not to overly promote yourself.

Using social media

Facebook, Twitter and other social networks can be a good way to get visitors to your videos. Look at the groups and communities that exist on those sites and share appropriately into them.

Giving proper titles and descriptions to your videos

You will enhance your rankings in Google if you provide proper titles and descriptions for your videos. Be sure to use keywords that others will search for. Creating good backlinks to your videos (links from other places) is also a good way to improve where you will appear in search engine results.

Continuing to create awesome content

You need to build momentum with your videos, and this means that you need to keep making them. Practice makes perfect and as you continue producing engaging content, people will start to notice and watch. Keep notes of what does well, refine your approach and remember to do the things that inspire you and others.

In closing

YouTube is a great way to get noticed, and share beautiful creations with the world. These methods can help you to start creating amazing content and build your audience.

this article is written By Paul Maplesden