
How to Build a Computer – Partitioning the Hard Disk & Installing Windows

The final part of any computer build is the software installation and configuration. After all that hard work assembling the system, sadly – you’re only 50% complete because the final part of the task is to get an operating system installed with drivers, updates and programs. These days, installing an operating system is a great… Continue reading How to Build a Computer – Partitioning the Hard Disk & Installing Windows


How to Build a Computer – What Happens When Things Don’t Work Out

If you’ve just spent hours assembling a computer only to find out that when you turn it on nothing happens, it’s easy to think the worst and that you’ve fried the whole system with an ESD (electrostatic discharge) but don’t worry just yet. 70% of non-booting computers are because of easy to fix problems. The… Continue reading How to Build a Computer – What Happens When Things Don’t Work Out


How to Build a Computer – Setting the Boot Order for Drives

Setting the boot order is one of the final steps in preparing your computer for the software installation and configuration. It’s here that you need to configure the way hard disks, USB drives and DVD drives are loaded so that when you install Windows, it installs properly. Today, computers are able to be booted using… Continue reading How to Build a Computer – Setting the Boot Order for Drives