So you’ve created a website for your product, crafted a marketing strategy, and now you’re waiting for the millions of views coming your way. But after a week of launching your campaign, a strange silence is upon your inbox and your Google Analytics traffic. Nobody is coming, and those that are visiting your site aren’t converting to customers. So what’s happening? Well, if you’re like most people, you might be making some common mistakes that are leaving views and dollars on the table. Here are three online marketing mistakes to avoid.
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No Call to Action
Humans are fickle beings. Often times, we’re pretty bad at picking up on subtle cues and hints. That’s why if you don’t include a call to action in your marketing copy – whether it be text or video – your visitors (potential customers) will almost never take the desired action. If you want visitors to your website to click on a button, tell them to click. If you want them to call for more information, tell them to call. And if they should sign up for your email list, tell them to sign up. These directives are a “call to action,” and it cuts right through the confusion and gives your users a clear task to do. As brilliant as you think your product is, you can’t count on other people to be mind readers. Don’t be afraid to tell them in clear language exactly what they should do. If you don’t avoid this marketing mistake, you’re just asking for lower conversion rates.
Too Many Words
Most people won’t read past the first few sentences of a long paragraph. That’s why it is so unfortunate that so many online marketing includes blocks and blocks of text. This is a grave mistake. In the day of instant gratification and social media, your customers have a shorter attention span than ever before. Instead of trying to persuade with mounds of data, go straight for the emotional angle. Excite them, intrigue them, and surprise them with a sentence or two. Let them fill in the blanks. This is especially true with social media, in which posting links to your website can provide magnificent returns.
Not Using the Right Channel
Perhaps the greatest mistake you should avoid is to market your business through the wrong channel. Some people think they should use every avenue available, spreading their message out far and wide. For years now, the opposite has been true. It’s far better to narrow down and focus on your core strengths and find your niche. If your target market only uses Vine and Twitter, then that’s where you should focus your energies. If you sell technology solutions, you’re likely to get better results on Google+ or Facebook. Know your market, do your research and soon you’ll know your appropriate channel.
The internet has ushered in unprecedented opportunities and, with them, competition. It’s not enough to try and hope for the best. You need to arm yourself with research, analysis and best practices. Avoid these common marketing mistakes and you’ll be one more step ahead of your competitors.
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