
5 Steps to Breaking a Social Networking Addiction

Social networks have transformed the way humankind communicates in a momentous way. For many folks around the world, social networking has almost completely supplanted e-mail and texting as the first favorite method of communicating. Yet, as the social networking phenomena matures and expounds, so does the proclivity for users to germinate a dependency on it.

Social networking usage statistics give alarming insight into the astonishing numbers of folks demonstrating habit-forming behaviors. Over forty-eight percent of people check into or update their Facebook or Twitter accounts after crawling in bed for the night. Over eighteen percent of people under age twenty-five admit that they can’t go longer than a few hours without checking their accounts. Over sixty-one percent of people admit to checking their profiles at least once per day, if not more. It is obvious that there is a growing dependence on social media, and it is becoming an emotional crutch for many.

The keys to getting over a social networking dependence are interchangeable to the steps involved in overpowering other types of dependence. Your opening move is getting informed about the symptoms of social networking or cyberspace dependency, acknowledge and admit you have a problem and then commence making behavioral changes.


Log your internet time
Social network addicts admit to losing massive amount of time when online. Log the total time you spend committed to your social networking pastime. Write down the time you logged in and the time you logged out. Repeat for each log in. You will start to discover where your problem areas live, and build strategies to overcome them.


Restrict yourself
Restrict your subscriptions, acquaintances and “rationalities” you might employ to rationalize you staying on your social networking web sites longer than expected. The more beguilements you download, the more likely you are to stay in the addiction cycle. Reduce your time online and the amount of distractions you have when plugged in.


Delete the apps
Social networking apps might help keep you linked up, but these apps can likewise be more of an unassailable leash for social network junkies, lassoing them back into their self-destructive behavior with each pop-up notification. Abolish the social networking apps on your smart phone and unplug your text updates and notifications.


Log off and stay logged off
Rather than relying on social networking time to satisfy your needs for friendly relationships and acceptance, spend more time in real life with your real life allies and family. Discovering how to nurture good for you offline human relationships helps soften the chains of social networking dependence.


Alter your mindset
Social networks are tools contrived to help you connect, communicate and be more productive. They are not for playing flash games or debating with someone you don’t know about politics or religion. When you are able to distinguish the risks of common time wasters connected with social networking, it can be simpler to break the habit, once you realize how unproductive these pursuits truly are.

Social networking dependence has the potential to demolish lives and relationships with friends and family precisely the same ways any other corrupting addiction can. The earlier you acknowledge the fact that you have a problem, the easier it is for you to seek the right help, alter your behavior and resume living in the real world. Disconnect from your social network and reconnect with the innermost you; break the habit, break the cycle.

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