
6 Ways to Improve Your Dating Site Profile

Dating Site Profile
Your profile is the very first thing people see on a dating website, and most of the time its contents determine whether or not someone decides to contact you or reply to your message. Because of this, making an attention-grabbing profile is absolutely essentially. Choosing how to present yourself to the world may seem daunting at first, but the tips below can help anyone fine-tune a dating site profile in order to get noticed.


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Post a Good, Recent Picture

Like it or not, the profile picture makes a huge difference. People without pictures are much less likely to receive messages or replies, and those who take the time to create a good photo are generally rewarded. Ideally you should take a picture in a well-lit area. Make sure it’s a relatively recent photo, and always remember to smile! Avoid selfies if possible, and guys: leave the shirts on.

Avoid Clichés

Dating sites are now more popular than ever, and it’s important that you stand out from the crowd. When listing your likes and dislikes or writing an introduction, stay away from the common clichés. Everyone loves music and movies and having fun, so instead try listing a few of your favorites and a couple of unique hobbies that interest you. Being honest about yourself and your interests will get you farther than just writing what you think potential matches want to hear.

Make the Effort

Your profile is the first impression you are going to make on a potential date, so don’t be lazy about it. Taking a few extra minutes to complete your profile and give full answers to the questions it asks is a great way to make yourself noticed. That doesn’t mean you need to write a novel in your “About Me” section, but don’t give vague throw-away answers, either.

Think Positive

Just like a first date, your dating site profile isn’t the place to talk about your exes or how much you dislike your job. Positive energy and confidence is universally attractive, so write about what you enjoy and what makes you happy instead, so that others with similar interests will have their curiosity piqued. And if you are funny, your profile is a wonderful place to prove it. Humor is consistently ranked as one of the most attractive qualities a potential date can have.

Create a Catchy Headline

Many dating websites offer a brief headline to accompany your profile photo. And just like with your picture, the headline deserves a bit of extra attention. The headline is a great place to reveal a little bit more about yourself. Use it to show off you clever side, or make it clear what you are looking for.


Before finalizing your profile, always take a second glance to catch any potential spelling or grammar mistakes. Poor spelling, grammar, and punctuation turn away people that might otherwise respond to you, so consider cutting out any netspeak or slang. If possible, have a friend read over your profile, since sometimes a second pair of eyes can help catch something you might have missed. Friends that know you well might also have some useful suggestions for improving your profile!

Using these tips to improve your dating site profile can dramatically increase the odds of someone contacting to you or replying to a message you send. Put effort into it and the results will speak for themselves. After tuning up your profile with this list, the only thing left to do is post it!

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