
How to repair damaged ZIP files?

Surely more than once that has happened to us. When trying to open a ZIP file, a message appears that indicates that the archive is damaged, incomplete or corrupt, and that extraction cannot continue. This can also happen if the download file did not complement or lost information during the process.
This problem usually occurs because ZIP files have a well defined structure and thus are prone to corruption.
Even in the case of a minor corruption, extraction tools will not be able to extract its contents, since all the applications for the extraction of these files first perform an integrity check of the same, and the If errors or may not have found matches the CRC values ​​of the original files, the expansion is not performed.
Here are two excellent alternatives to which we turn when a problem happens like this.

ZIP Repair

This tool helps repair zip file structure, which allows retrieval of content. One of the best pros is that it offers a wizard-like interface, which makes the task much easier and comfortable.


This tool is able to extract the files that are not damaged a ZIP file that is corrupt. Recovered files are extracted to a new file with the same name.

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