
Rumours of an iPad Mini 7.85 inches and a price between 249 and $299

A new rumour from China talks about the launch in the third quarter of 2012 over six million units of a smaller iPhone that will cost between 249 and 299 DOLLAR s. This “iPad mini”, which would have a screen of 7.85 inches would be prepared to compete with the Amazon Kindle Fire but especially… Continue reading Rumours of an iPad Mini 7.85 inches and a price between 249 and $299


The next iPhone would be much thinner thanks to the In-Cell Technology

The next iPhone multitouch sensors could be attached to the screen, rather than superimpose, thus reducing the final thickness of the device. Few top analysts have contributed to the rumour mill surrounding the appearance and manners of the next iPhone, ensuring that Apple will use the In-Cell technology on your screen, so you get a… Continue reading The next iPhone would be much thinner thanks to the In-Cell Technology


Apple Configurator 1.0.1, configuring IOS devices block

Now the new version of the tool configuration block of IOS devices is available, focused on solving known problems and improves performance for a better integration of Apple’s mobile devices in the enterprise or schools. Apple is now available with Configurator 1.0.1, the tool for configuring IOS devices block, especially useful for corporations, schools and… Continue reading Apple Configurator 1.0.1, configuring IOS devices block